Saturday, October 31, 2009

As a teacher educator

How does Instructional Design help to improve my teaching?
Md. Zainal Abedin Khan-805029( programme: M.Ed-IT)
There is an old saying that if you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there. Regarding this as a Teacher educator I want to say that, instructional Design will provide me both an appropriate destination and the right road to get me there because Instructional design is a process for helping me to create an effective training in an efficient manner.
In a sentence I can say that, Instructional design is the systematic process to discover the ‘who-what-when-where-how-why’ of my training needs and then using that information to build audience appropriate courses materials designed to meet my instructional goal. So, in my teaching it would help me to find answer of those question starters in respective events.
For the better answer of the question ‘How does Instructional Design help to improve my teaching’ first I have to discuss about my duties and responsibilities. As a teacher educator of 21st century I have to manage some factors as below.

1. Ensuring cost effective training: To make a cost effective training better understanding of instructional design can show me the path way. Before starting teaching as a trainer I must have to find clearly trainees actual need. Then I have to classify all this need and have to find the easy way to satisfy their needs. In these aspects instructional design can help me.

2. Time management: Instructional design can also help my training become more time effective. Because within a short time how a large text can deliver meaningfully instructional design can show the way.

3. Need management: As a trainer I need to consider who my trainees are and what their specific needs. According to their needs I have to design the content area of the programme. Clear conception of Instructional Design can guide me to do that well.

4. Lesson plan management: Basically Well organised Lesson plan itself is a well instructional design. In a Lesson plan-
· How many parts will have to consider?
· What information’s have to put in it?
· What sequence have to maintain,
· Who will do what and how?
Conceptions of ID can help a trainer to choose the best answer of above questions to manage a lesson plan for better teaching.

5. Method management: These times three educational theories are commonly using in teaching. These are Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Constructivism.
According to the Behaviourist theory teachers’ role is to maintain the sequence of stimulus and response and modify trainees’ behaviour by following a systematic way instructional design.
Cognitivists believe that learning occurs when the learner processes information. According to Bruner, there are three component to learning a subject, acquisition, transformation and evaluation.
Own experience, life practical problems, active collaboration, using prior knowledge are the key elements of Constractivist theory.
According those three theories time to time I have to organize and facilitate my teaching. Instructional design can help me regarding these issues.

6. Resource Management: Basically instructional Design itself is a meaningful resource in education. To achieve the objective of the lesson trainer need some worksheets, tools, Instruments and other instructional materials. To collect and prepare all these things ID knowledge is very helpful for a trainer.

7. Work management: In a training session trainer organize some sequential works. These are,

To design the above design of teaching including with all sorts of strategies in every steps concepts of Id can help me.

8. Trainer achievement management: Always result shows the activities how far it was right or wrong. To achieve the prefix objectives is the main target of any training course. But how can we make sure that we have reached in the target? The easy answer of that question is –by studying instructional design we can gather knowledge about ‘table of specification’ and its proper uses to measure trainees achievement.

Beside these ID can be helpful for me for web management, text point management, trainer behaviour management and so on.

The main advantage of instructional Design is to prepare a trainer to be perfect on in all training respects. As a trainer it assists me in correctly doing what I need to do. In the case of developing a training programme, I have to create such types of training that helps my trainees for better understanding and fulfil their needs.
Sometimes I need to change frequently my training design to fit the circumstance and situation. Instructional design can help me to do this.
Gagne has organised a Criterion Referenced Instruction including nine events corresponding cognitive processes. All of the events can help a trainer to develop his/her activities in the class. The events are-
1. Gaining attention
2. Informing Objectives
3. Simulating prior learning
4. Presenting stimulus
5. Providing Guidance
6. Elicit responding
7. Providing feedback
8. Assessing performance
9. Generalisation
All of the above items are necessary to follow for a trainer in his training. I have drawn this idea from instructional design. So it proves that Id knowledge can help the trainer to plan Teaching episode like me.
Last of all I want to say that as consistency is related to instructional design, I may be able to ensure quality training using this idea. So that my programme will be consistent over time and place.

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